Friday, December 16, 2011


You guys, I'm finally done with finals. That means that my holiday enjoyment can officially begin.

I don't know about you guys but I have BIG plans for the break

1. Sleep.
2. Pack. Why you ask? Because the boyfriend and I FINALLY got a new apartment.
3. Spend a full day in my jam jams reading books that I couldn't read during a semester full of regular learning. Sigh.
4. Watch videos of puppies on youtube and laugh when my dog is confused by them.
5. Hang out with the Fam and friends who will come into town.
6. Stay out too late and eat too much.
7. If snow ever comes (hint hint mother nature), then I will build another Dr. Lumpy.
8. Post new photos to flickr.
9. Actually blog. You know, like more than just twice a week.
10. RELAX!!

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1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way! I have one more to get through on Monday and one last paper to finish! I can't wait to lounge and read some books that have been collecting dust!! Totally relate to this post!! Good luck with the move!


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