Monday, January 23, 2012

Some Sparkles

So it's Monday.

I wake up and instantly feel stressed. I have SO much to do this week.

I didn't do my homework over the weekend and now I'm behind. Plus there's the multiple photo projects I have to shoot AND print and the looming question of whether to keep or drop some of my classes...which I have 2 more days to decide on.


So I take a deep breath and get ready to head to class...and while I turn on my i-pod it automatically jumps to a song before I can pick one myself.

Robin Sparkles. Let's go to the Mall.

Okay. I can do this.
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  1. Love HIMYM and Robin Sparkles of course! Hope you get everything done you need to this week and still have your head in tact at the end!! XOX

  2. Haha, love that song. And that photo is gorgeous ;)


Verbal High Five!!