Tuesday, May 22, 2012


You know those days when everything is stressful and you just want to scream??

Today was one of those days.

Thankfully today is over. I am about to head to bed with a newly cleaned dog and a regular boyfriend.
(By "regular" I mean clean and dirty at THE SAME TIME)

When I am faced with days like this there is one thing that really helps me through it.

I'm not talking about the two glasses of vodka lemonade....though those did in fact help...

I'm talking a list of things to be thankful for.

I know it's silly but it totally works.

So here it goes. 
Things I am thankful for on a day that totally sucked.
1. My awesome family that listens when I bitch for 2 hours straight.
2. My boyfriend who listens to me bitch AND brings me a drink.
3. My dog. She's like, super cuddly guys.
4. Rice crispy treats.
5. Having a clean house and having time to clean my house.

Ah! Doesn't everyone feel so much better now?? 
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