Wednesday, June 6, 2012

What I've Learned Wednesday (Maid of Honor Edition)

So in about one months time I will be walking down the aisle as the maid of honor for my bestie Michelle. 

Here is what I have learned so far:

1. There is more to do than you will EVER expect.
2. When planning a successful Bridal Shower and Bachelorette Party you may have to become a little bossier and more demanding than you ever thought you could be.
3. There are more sizes of table clothes than I ever thought there were. 
4. A little moral support goes a LONG way.
5. Wine is good, but free wine is better.

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  1. fun!))

    Check out my blog and if you like, follow me on GFC and Bloglovin. I will follow you back with pleasure, just leave a link in the comments.

    LA By Diana Live Magazine

  2. A-freaking-men! To all of these things, except #2 which I don't really know about. Also the first sentence of this totally made me cry.


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