Sunday, April 3, 2011

Dr. Lumpy

So, it's spring time in Montana. What this means (for all you non-natives) is that it constantly snows and melts and snows and melts......for about two months. Anyhoo, this can oftentimes mean AWESOME snowman snow. I try my best each year to build at least one snowman. And I always name him Dr. Lumpy. These are my last two attempts (the second one could have crushed my dog it was so big!). I haven't made one yet for this year. But with all this damn snow it won't be long ; )

This is my first Dr. Lumpy. He had ski's and everything. I like to think he was on vay-cay in Alta.
Dr. Lumpy II
This is Dr. Lumpy the second. He was out fishing, as you can see from his "I'd enjoy the day more if it started later" hat. Any suggestions for what my next Dr. Lumpy should be themed??
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