Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What I've Learned Wednesday!

What I've Learned this Week:

1. I can listen to Super Bass as many times in a row as I want and it still doesn't get old!
2. Nuclear weapons and the people that are in control of them is one of the scariest things you can possibly think about. So don't think about it.
3. About 50% of the joy I get from drinking cocoa comes from the mug I get to use.
4. Lagering beer requires that you keep it at a very specific temperature (60 degrees I think)
5. If the world DOES have a nuclear war....the Swiss will probably survive.
6. The U.S is working on a non-lethal weapon that will incapacitate the enemy by making them sexually attracted to one another. Truth.

The More You Know
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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My dog can't have nice things

Well this isn't completely true.

But if you came into my house you would see a terrible mess of
tennis balls with no fur (you know...the green stuff)
and pieces of fabric that maybe had a shape at some point....


I have what you would call a "heavy chewer".

You're familiar with nylabone right?
Those super hard bones that last forever?

here's what my baby does:

Those two bones USED to be the same.


Yup, this is why she has so few toys.
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What I've Learned Wednesday!

What I've Learned This Week
1. In Holland there is a separate drinking age for beer and hard liquor. (16 for beer, 18 for hard liquor)
2.If you expect to be an appointment to take 30 minutes it will actually take 2 hours.
3. 120 film has a dye on it that washes off in the first part of the developing process. It will make you worry that you ruined everything.
4. How to upload a picture to the internet via filezilla and such.
5. I may have an ebay addiction. Maybe.
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Monday, February 20, 2012

The (Long) Weekend

My Presidents Day Weekend

Sleeping in until noon (just once)/ dog parks /
Valentines Day roses / getting back into exercise mode /
eating out with gluten free options / spending LOTS of time in the photo lab /
very late Birthday presents / elephant humidifiers

And in honor of the holiday here's a fun presidential fact:

Roosevelt was the most 3D photographed president.

The more you know

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My Baby Brother Turned 21

It happened.
I was right there when the clock struck midnight.


My baby brother,

the little boy who I used to play cops and robbers with,
who used to draw me pictures of Garfield and leave them in my room for me to find later,

turned 21.

We were already at the bar when it happened.
Because apparently bouncers don't check HIS I.D.

We were there with my older brother,
more 21 year olds,
and tequila.

Lots of tequila.

The night had already been pretty crazy.
We all had been watching my dad's band play a show and the band kept announcing the upcoming Birthday.

Needless to say that little blonde boy started the night early.
And it became my job to ensure he made it to his actual Birthday at midnight.

I fetched water like a pro people.

And when the clock struck midnight and that boy,
(who used to carry around a stuffed zebra like it was his job),
finally turned the big TWO-ONE....

And he threw his arms in the air and yelled

It was a good night.

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

11 Things.

Omigoodness. This semester is a monster.

Anyhoo, the wonderful and beautiful Jennifer over at Simplistic Living tagged me in a fun little bloggers game like, forever ago, and I FINALLY have time to do it.

So here it goes.


There are six "rules".

1. Post these rules.
2. Post 11 random things about yourself.
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post (i.e., Clair's for me).
4. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.
5. Go to their blog and tell them you've tagged them.
6. No saying, "If you are reading this, you're tagged."

11 random things about me.

1. I was a produce manager for 2 years.
2. My life was literally incomplete until I got my puppy dog. Literally.
3. I love letting Jillian Michael's kick my butt.
4. If I could travel to only one place in the world it would be London.
5. I grew up getting photographed by a 3D camera.
6. I am a super shy person but I LOVE to act.
7. I still love The Backstreet Boys. Mostly Nick Carter of course.
8. I am almost 25 and have NO idea what I want to be when I grow up.
9. For my 23rd Birthday I asked my boyfriend for a Backstreet Boy's tee shirt and Panda Cupcakes. I have yet to receive either.
10. I have the hardest time getting rid of old things.
11. I don't do scary. Even film trailers can give me nightmares.

Jennifer's Question's for Me

1. Best comfort food?
Chocolate. No question.
2. Your biggest fear?
Bee's. They are out to kill me and I know it.
3. Why do you blog?
I started my blog in an effort to share my photography and it has since become a wonderful place for me to express myself and develop my writing skillzzzz.
4. How did you get your blog name?
This is a strange one. In high school my best friends and I used "surprise high fives" as a silly little joke. Like, we'd be sitting around on a Friday night playing scrabble (not kidding) and then someone would be like "Surprise High Five!!" and you would get a high five.
We would also use it as a form of currency. As in, "If you do this I'll give you 5 surprise high fives." I still owe Molly like 300.
Basically, High Fives are awesome. And when you get one as a SURPRISE?? Even better.
Try it.
5. Who is your favorite actor/actress?
Well I have a LOT of favorites...but that's not the game so I'll pick two.
Actress- Kristin Bell. Because she's quirky and adorable. Also Veronica Mars was the bomb.
Actor- Ryan Gosling. Because he's yummy.
6. Biggest stress reliever?
Yoga or a stiff drink.
7. Favorite thing to do after a long day?
Yoga or a stiff drink.
8. If you could meet anyone in the world who would it be and why?
9.What is your biggest weakness?
Puppies. They make my heart hurt.
10. What is your all time favorite book?
Harry Potter.
11. If you could go back and change anything in your past would you?
This is a tough one. I absolutely find myself playing the "what if" game sometimes. But everything that has happened in my past has led me to the person I am today so no, I wouldn't change a thing.

And now for my questions for you!
1. Are you a cat or a dog person?
2. Who is your dream date?
3. What is your favorite food?
4. What do you want to be when you grow up?
5. When was your first kiss?
6. What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
7. What makes you mad?
8. If you could only keep one article of clothing and had to replace the rest with new stuff (What Not to Wear style), what would you keep?
9. What is your guilty pleasure?
10. What is the best/worst present you have ever received?
11. The Spice Girls decide they need you to join them on tour, what "spice" are you?

I am tagging my Michelle, Jamie, Lindsay, and Jenny.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What I've Learned Wednesday!

What I've Learned Wednesday
1. Flowers for Valentines Day may be cheesy, but it's still super sweet.
2. If you go and see your dad's band and he announces that it's your 21st Birthday over and over again and all the band members point you out. You will get drunk. Fast.
3. 21st Birthdays are better with burger's and pita's. Truth.
4. 3D presentations will get you an A. They are also very time consuming.
5. I love taking photo's. But I like it less when it's for class.
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Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday Monday

The week has started. And it seems to be following in the path of the others.
Not well.

We start the day in the photo lab where I KILLED my first ever roll of film.
Like, if there was a prize for biggest failure at developing film
I would win.
They would most likely give me two prizes.

It was bad.

Then I came home and found out that one of my lamps has broken.
Not an important lamp.
It was 20 bucks at Target.

But that didn't stop me form crying for an hour.

Can I like, trade my hormones in for new ones??

So after that I'm focusing on the good things to get me through.

Like the fact that my test has been postponed until Thursday.
And new rice cakes for my peanut butter.

Bring it on week.

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Saturday, February 11, 2012


So it turns out the jacket that appeared in the box I sent was in fact the work of elves.

Because I had never seen that blazer in my life.

Moral of the story: If a package disappears for a week it is most likely because elves have decided to add another item to it.

Or it's just lost.
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Friday, February 10, 2012


Okay. Here's the dealio.

That little dude up there is turning 21 soon.
So this brings up a very important question.

What booze do I get??

I'm thinking 99 Bananas...but the boyfriend thinks that's mean.

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This Week

This week.

Have you ever had a week when stressful things keep pilling up and you think
"Ok. This is gonna stop now."
And then more stuff just happens anyway??

That was my week.
tests, surprise presentations, nasty cold, missing packages
and then this morning I get this email from the now found package reciever

"Hi. Did you mean to include that jacket with the boots?"


No. No I didn't.
And for the life of me I can't remember putting one in that little box that only could fit a pair of boots.

So I have spent my morning running around my house checking my belongings.
Super fun stuff.

And after freaking out for about 30 minutes....
I still have no idea what I possibly could have put in that box.

So here's what I'm thinking:
1. Somehow during the week my package was missing a happy elf put a jacket in my box.
2. I have waaay to much stuff because I don't even know when/if something is missing.

Overall I'm just confused.
Ultra confused.

I think it's time to go back to bed.

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Monday, February 6, 2012


What is it about looming exams that
You know
Makes me
Physically Ill??

As much as I love laying on the couch
in a crumpled heap while I try to decipher the
different methods of montage

all the while
attempting to drink my weight in
Ginger tea

I'd just really like this thing to
Go the F away.


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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What I've Learned Wednesday!

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What I've Learned This Week

1. Pushing film.
2. A LOT about montage.
3. A great way to tire out a dog is to throw a ball for her over the ice.
4. Global North and Global South.
5. Not exercising for a couple weeks makes me a very sad lady.

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