As before promised, here are the rules and details of the game "BOAT!"
Description- A car game whose purpose is to spot and call as many boats as possible.
Origin- My boyfriend and I were on our way home from visiting his parents on a summer day. I was veeeeeeery tired and was attempting to nap which irked my bf who wanted me to keep him company. In an effort to wake me up and annoy me he began telling me of every boat he saw, which on a summer day in Montana is A LOT of boats. Thus the game of "BOAT!" was born.
Rules and Regulations
1. Only boats attached to a vehicle may count towards points.
2. When a boat is spotted one must yell "BOAT!" to obtain points.
3. Canoes, kayaks, and rafts will not count for points.
4. Each "boat" called counts towards one point.
5. A boat may only be called by one person.
6. If a boat is called by more than one person at the same time that boat is henceforth negated and no one may claim points to it.
7. Any non-boats called will result in the deduction of two points.
example non-boats- already called boats, boat not connected to a vehicle, calling items mentioned in rule two.
8. A game of BOAT will be considered complete in one of two scenarios
A) At the end of a trip (a trip is considered the time after you leave home to when you arrive back) the person with the highest tally is the winner.
B) Once someone has a tally of ten points more than whoever is closest behind in points.
9. A semi truck carrying a large number of boats is considered a "boat load".
Any caller of a boat load wins "BOAT!" for eternity. This honor may be forfeited in order to play more awesome games of "BOAT!"
10. Boats in the water no longer count for points.
(The creator of this game holds the right to add additional rules and regulations as he sees fit until said rules are "formally laminated")
And there you have it. The rules of the aforementioned "BOAT!" I would also like to mention that while the bf 'created' this game, I continue to whoop his butt at it EVERY DAY!