Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Let the Christmasing Commence

So first off, let me apologize for neglecting to blog yesterday. I did complete all my Christmas shopping and take the dog to the vet but it's Christmas break and that's really not a very good excuse.

So anyhoo, here are the highlights from the weekend:

I got a haircut and then forced the boyfriend to take me out because my hair was "did up".
I'm one of those people who likes to have my hair styled like, super fancy when I get it cut. I mean, isn't that half the fun??

Winning runner up at an ugly sweater party.
The full hideousness of my sweater can't be shown in the above picture because the boyfriend doesn't really do pictures. Why does this matter? Because we had matching sweaters folks! That's right. We found TWO of those marvelous things!! We actually won on "matching sweaters" because no one really knew us at the party.

And that was weekend numero uno. Now I need to get to the rest of my break plans. I think I may be busier these three weeks than during school!!

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