Friday, June 1, 2012

Sharing is Caring

Ok guys. I have to come clean about something.

I will be turning 25 soon.

This one right here.
Yes, the one taking a shot out of a plastic bear.

She will be 25.

This girl.
The one playing a drinking game involving picking up a bag with your teeth..

She will be 25. 

This girl.
The one dressed as a wizard for a midnight release of Harry Potter.


Anyways, I thought you should know about this.

Who knows, maybe I'll get all...mature-like when the big day comes.

But for now I'm gonna go ahead and sit here in this awesome whiskey tee shirt that I got for free from a dive bar and worry about my impending 25-ness. 

And I'm also going to drink champagne. But that's just because it's the Queens freaking Jubilee and I think that that's probably something you should drink to.

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  1. What tee shirt?! I get to see it in a few days, right?!

    1. It's pretty cool. It came from the Paw and it's for really cheap cherry flavored whiskey. Basically it's pure awesome.

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'll have to take a trip over to yours as well! : )


Verbal High Five!!