Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What I've Learned Wednesday

That be the Netherlands folks. From the AIR!

Hay! Guess what?
I'm like, 100% back in school now and not at all anywhere in Europe.

That means I'm getting my learnin' on.

And that also means I'm gonna tell you about it...

Awesome sauce!!

1. Magpies eat mouses.  According to my biology professor who witnessed it. As in it happened in front of his FACE HOLE! Yeah. Mother nature be crazy.

2. Just because you took spanish before does not mean it will be a cake walk in college. 
Un poco deficil. No?

3. Leviathan.

4. Louie XIV was extra fancy. With his dancing and mirrors and sun-ness.

5. One should not drink too much muggle made butterbeer. It WILL make you sick.
Damn muggles.

Now I must off so that I may read my face off. 

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