Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What I've Learned Wednesday

Hey all!
So you know on Friends when Ross is taking his sabbatical and Joey teaches him how to spread out his time effectively?
If for some crazy reason your answer is no then here's the link.

See, Joey is actually giving his dear friend a gift. The gift of relaxation!
 There are so many articles out there with advice on how to fit more work and activities into your day. But what about those of us on the other end of the spectrum? Those of us with to little to do??
So in order to bring a little help to these needy, needy people I present you with my "What I've learned" post for this week:

How to successfully waste your time when you have no schoolwork or job!

1. Unpack
So this involves the actual act of getting into your boxes which of course takes an annoyingly large amount of time. Then you have to clear your apartment/house of all the boxes/plastic/crap that you now have no use for.  You may even have to actually drive to get to a recycling area!
This could take days if not weeks to fully accomplish.  I give it 2 weeks of excuse worthy time.

2. Decorating
Pinterest. Enough said.

3. Cleaning
Because having a completely spotless apartment suddenly seems very important doesn't it??

4. Exercise
Because like cleaning, suddenly having the perfect butt seems super necessary.
This also buys you some more Pinterest time. Score!!

5. Dog walks
Or anything that can make your dog as tired as canine-ly (See what I did there? Cuz it's not "humanly"?? Clever stuff, I know) possible.
Basically if they don't look like this:
so sleepy6.
then you haven't walked or fetched for long enough. You should try to push them to just before their limit. Don't kill them or anything. I mean, who would you talk to all day?? Yourself??!! That would just make you a crazy person.

6. School stuff
This one is obviously super boring. But it would probably be a good plan to at least look into your continued plans for your education. Probably.

7. Actually get a job

But seriously.
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