Monday, February 20, 2012

My Baby Brother Turned 21

It happened.
I was right there when the clock struck midnight.


My baby brother,

the little boy who I used to play cops and robbers with,
who used to draw me pictures of Garfield and leave them in my room for me to find later,

turned 21.

We were already at the bar when it happened.
Because apparently bouncers don't check HIS I.D.

We were there with my older brother,
more 21 year olds,
and tequila.

Lots of tequila.

The night had already been pretty crazy.
We all had been watching my dad's band play a show and the band kept announcing the upcoming Birthday.

Needless to say that little blonde boy started the night early.
And it became my job to ensure he made it to his actual Birthday at midnight.

I fetched water like a pro people.

And when the clock struck midnight and that boy,
(who used to carry around a stuffed zebra like it was his job),
finally turned the big TWO-ONE....

And he threw his arms in the air and yelled

It was a good night.

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