Friday, July 22, 2011

Finding Inspiration for Change

So I'm totally turning into an old lady.

I yell and shake my fists at people who speed in school zones. Why? Because that is UNSAFE behavior mister!
I also take about a million vitamins because I want to avoid heart disease and osteoporosis and all that crap. So yeah, I'm definitely feeling the aging process take hold of me. Mostly this is a good thing. I'm more responsible and I'm learning to take less for granted.

But there is another side to this getting older hoopla. And it's something I'm finding myself struggling with this last week.


You see, when you're young your parentals tell you you can do whatever you want (which is still true btw). But then you start to actually enter your adult life and you start to notice something......Everyone is not becoming astronauts, artists, and magicians.

I realize no one really wants to me a magician. But in first grade my class made a book filled with what we wanted to be when we grew up and about half wanted to be magicians. So I think it should be mentioned.

No. People are becoming accountants, plumbers, or maybe they work in human resources. Now I'm not trying to dog on these professions. I'm just pointing out the fact that I've never heard a ten year old get excited about accounting. As we get older suddenly those dreams we had get overtaken by things like good insurance and 401K's. Which is, I'm pretty sure, the smarter choice to make.

Of course I'm feeling the push of the adult world of making lots o money. But that little girl inside me is starting to make some noise folks. She wants to be crazy and take a seemingly unsafe path. And gosh darnit...I think I'm starting to agree with her.

Hopefully this choice does not fall into my ever growing pile of bad decisions. But I guess I'll have to take my chances. I may put face cream on every night, but that doesn't mean I have to be completely grown up just yet. You know what they say....
Go big or go home.

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  1. What did I want to be in 1st grade? Did both of us want to be princesses? Because I feel like that would be what we said. Or maybe I said magician, that sounds pretty right.

  2. Hi! @OhMishka suggest your blog and I am really glad she did. I love your writing voice and look forward to reading more.

    Go for your dream, even if it changes every now and then. Do something that makes you happy and it won't feel like work.


Verbal High Five!!