Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Terror and Disgust

As if I needed another reason to hate bugs...

So I'm taking Ellie Bean for her evening walky walk right? We're just trotting along, minding our own business...well...maybe not Ellie. She likes the gophers business......but I was COMPLETELY minding my own business. And then... it happened....

A bug.

It flew into my eye.


Like, really IN my eye. When I blinked I could see it all stuck next to my contact. That's how in my eye it was. GROSS! How did I not blink fast enough?? This is a totally unacceptable situation! There is a crawly thing in my freaking EYE!!! What the hell???

So of course then, while not panicking (though I don't think anyone would have blamed me), I had to PICK it out.

Ugh. Reliving this is giving me shivers.

I mean, what gives bug? Why'd you have to go and DO THAT??!!

As Stephanie Tanner would say, "How RUDE!!".

This is not a pleasant event for either of us!! And if you didn't die from this evil act then you're damn sure dead now since I gave you an ultra crushing when I got you out! (just between my fingers....nats are real small) Why would you EVER think it's a good idea to fly into an eyeball? Seriously, I just don't get it.

So gross.

I guess I'll be on extra alert for bugs from now on.
Also because directly after a bee dive bombed my head.

Thanks a lot bugs...I think you suck at life too.

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