Monday, November 21, 2011

The Story of Friday Night

You know when you're young (like 22 and youngerish) and you stay out late,
drink too much,
wake up with weird bruises,
take stupid crazy pictures and POST them to the internet?

It's great right?
You're NEVER gonna end up like one of those lame adult people, right?

You know,
the one's who tell you to pay more attention to the road,
and that you need to apply yourself more,
and who go to bed early so they can study the next day,
and take multivitamins,
and who do the weirdest thing of all....only have ONE drink when they go out????

You'll never ever ever EVER be like that right???

Well here's the conversation from my Friday night.
The night of a still young but not too young 24 year old.

Me-I'm sooo bored. We never DO anything anymore.
Boyfriend-What would we do?
Me- I dunno. Go get a drink or something?
Boyfriend-We could....(looks at clock)
Oh, but it's already 8.30.
Boyfriend- We are SO old

There you have it folks. I have become an old, boring lady.
Rather than go out on a FRIDAY NIGHT. I stayed home and watched Friends and was in bed by 10. Neat.

Sure, I still have a little crazy left in me, but more and more frequently I find myself in bed at a reasonable hour.
This is my warning.
The lame bug will indeed bite you one day. So watch-out. And invest in some cute jam-jams.

And also, you kids really SHOULD pay more attention to the road. It's not a race!!

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