Monday, October 17, 2011

A Busy Weekend with Good News

Well it's Monday again and like most of you (unless you're crazy) it came much too soon.

While the weekend was a busy one (apartment hunting....ick) it was also a good one.

Boyfriend and I were able to take a little time between studying to grab some coffee at out favorite place, The Leaf and Bean, on Saturday morning. And that night we had a blast watching my dad's band. (The keg didn't hurt either)

But there was one other thing on Saturday that REALLY made my weekend....

I got a part in a play!!! It's been about 6 years since I have been on the stage and I really miss it so this is a pretty exciting thing for me. The part isn't huge but I'm so glad to be getting out there again.

So in celebration on that good news the Boyfriend took me out for sushi on Sunday and we topped the night off with an awesome chick flick.

With all my midterms and the apartment business it was definitely necessary to get in some cuddle time with the Boy and my dog.

I hope you all had a great weekend as well!

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1 comment:

  1. Yay for getting a part in the play! That is so awesome. And sushi to celebrate! Can it get any better?


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