Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Midterms and Important Questions

I have midterms this week. Not in all my classes. But in hardest/most likely to mess up ones. (Econ. and Calc.)

As you can imagine I have a great load of practice problems and practice tests and so on and so forth to work on this week.

And to top it off the last section of Math we learned appears to be the hardest thing in the world.

Implicit differentiation and Related Rates. Ugh, just typing it made me tired and grumpy all at once.

Basically I have just a crap load to work on in order to lock down the unrealistic grades that I strive for.

So naturally, with all that on my to do list, I've been pondering something. A kind of life changing, all important thing that MUST be decided right now........

Or no bangs?
Also, check out this video of my dog!!

Yup......I'm wasting time.........

And I'm soooo good at it too!!
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  1. 1. Bangs! If I had straight hair I think I would try bangs.
    2. You're dog is sooooo cute! I can't wait to have a dog again.


  2. haha, you are super cute! :)
    i definitely dig the bangs.


Verbal High Five!!