Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What I've Learned Wednesday!

What I've learned this week

1. School makes you forget about things you're supposed to do. Like this post. oooops...
2. I REALLY need a fall break.
3. Ginger Tea is the bomb.
4. I'm starting to understand why people wear sweatpants to school. I still won't participate. But I'm starting to understand....
5. The only thing worse than homework is apartment hunting. We just looked and the CUTEST place today and the lady called to say that the tenants aren't moving out after all. HERUMPH!

At least that flower photo is pretty!
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1 comment:

  1. I never wore sweatpants to school, mostly because of the fact that I had to go to work after classes. But, now being a grad student, I totally wish I would have taken advantage of it. I mean, when else is wearing sweatpants in public halfway acceptable?


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