So I was like 100% gonna write a nice blog post yesterday...
and the day before....
but see, I was a little preoccupied with something and just couldn't get my mind off it.
Something other than the university.
I'll give you hint.
This thing involved me drawing all over myself last night.
You know how you do when you're little and then you're substitute teacher tells you not too.
Pssssh...what a stupid pants.
But I digress.
Did you guess what it is yet?
I've always thought about getting one and my Mel friend is in town this weekend (AND it's her Birthday!!) so we decided to go for it!!
If you haven't already stopped by her blog to say Happy Birthday you should probably get on that.
She got the outline of Montana on her arm and it's SO COOL you guys.
I'm so glad she was there to do this with me cuz I really don't know if I would have been brave enough without her.
Seriously, go say happy birthday.
Aaaand back to me and my tat....
Here's the dealio,
I feel like I've spent a great deal of my life worrying about everything I do and end up not LIVING.
Obviously this is unacceptable.
I have wonderful friends (as mentioned above) and an amazing family who I know will be there for me no matter what.
So really, what am I so afraid of??
So now I have this awesome little reminder of all the love in my life and the fact that
I can do anything.
And the fact that I'm a bad-ass.
It may be a little tattoo but it's not like it was drawn on with puppy breath and unicorn giggles.
So here's to taking chances, living and LOVING!!