Thursday, August 18, 2011


Two days ago I hiked to the top of a mountain. You heard me. The TOP.

The views were incredible and I had so much fun with my friend Jen. (We literally yelled about boys and the government in order to motivate us up the steep parts)

And even though the last mile out of those 12 was pure unadulterated torture. Seriously every switchback that didn't lead to the end broke my heart a little...... Alright, a lot...................... Alright, maybe I thought they would have to airlift me outta there because the trail would never end and I just COULDN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! UGH! WHO'S IDEA WAS THIS?? WHY AM I PUNISHING MYSELF? THIS IS JUST THE WORST!!

I'm still really glad we went.

Why you ask?

Well I'm pretty sure I can do anything now.

It was definitely a challenge but it feels so good to overcome something that you wouldn't normally do. AND now I have amazing pictures and you can bet that this is a day I am NEVER going to forget.

My butt still hurts.

In conclusion: Take advantage of these last days of summer and go conquer something. It feels fantastic! And even if you are too sore to move for days after, at least you have an awesome excuse to not exercise.
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