Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Weekend Fun!

This weekend marked another super awesome funtime camping trip.
Here were some of the HIGHlights.

Jumping off the rope swing and not taking 20+ minutes to do so. Yay for bravery! Or maybe just sleep deprivation....hard to say.

Hanging at the rope swing with my dad. He LOVES the rope swing.

Boyfriends camping meatloaf. My boy is a super big foodie so of course he has to find new recipes EVEN when we're roughin it. Not that I'm complaining : )
So anyhoo, he improvised a meat loaf to try out and it was SOOOOO good you guys. We will definitely be doing that one again.

Hanging out with my Bro Face and his lady friend. She's heading away to an awesome tennis program in a few weeks so it was great to chilax a bit with her beforehand.

Discovering yet again how much my dog loves ME. My dad and I left her and the Boy for awhile to go to the swing (she can't come because it freaks her out and she tries to save EVERYONE!) And my little girl threw a fit the whole time I was away. Annoying? Sure. But it makes me happy that she's such a mommas girl!

Having fun taking pictures. The one above is a random one from the first night. I was trying to be artsy and not focus things. I actually really liked how this one turned out!

And of course, one of the greatest parts of the weekend was not getting eaten or attacked by any wild animals. I know they say bears are just as afraid of me as I am of them....but I'm a 115 lb blonde girl so I'm not so sure I really believe that......

Be Bear Aware!

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