Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Back to School: How to be way cool like me

It's back to school time which means SCHOOL SUPPLIES. If you guys are like me (cheap), you generally opt for the most cost effective option when buying notebooks and folders (despite the extreme temptation for the Justin Beiber options). While these are very wallet friendly finds, they are also terribly, terribly boring.

I mean, look at this thing.
Like you need something else to put you to sleep when in class.
So here is what you have to do. Well, you don't HAVE to do this. But you should if you want to be way cool like me.

You need stickers. Lot's of stickers. And pretty much whatever else you can stick to something or paint with or draw with..
Luckily for me I am already equipped with some sweet DINO stamps and quite the array of Winnie the Pooh and Sesame Street stickers (thank you old Valentine's Day kits!)
After you get all your gear comes the fun part. Stamp! Stickerfy! DECORATE!! DO IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT!!

When done properly you should get results such as these.Hello Kitty wants you to study.
Like a Boss.
Some DINO power ensures you won't slack and half ass assignments.

Basically when you do this everyone is going to think you are the coolest person they have ever met.
I mean, who's not going to want to be your friend after they see you have THIS on your on your notebook??
Yup. That's some Potter.
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  1. Ahhh!! I just found out you are from Montana and you go to MSU! How awesome is that! Benjamin (my love) graduated from MSU! And i have been there as well! Small (internet) world! What do you study?

  2. Wow! Currently I'm studying Liberal Arts and Photo. That's so crazy that you know this area as well. Bozeman always seems like such a little place.


Verbal High Five!!